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Aug 22 – Sep 21


The influence of Venus, responsible for the fall of Virgo, will not be that strong. However, it will be sufficient to bring many problems to those born under this sign. The situation will be complicated by the fact that Neptune and Venus will work in tandem and this strong union could not be stopped. Certainly, Mercury (both planet-ruler and planet-exalt of Virgo) will maintain his positions and will aid the representatives of this sign, but his attention will focus on the work
direction, which is why the love front will be left exposed. As a result, there will be an ambiguous situation when one sphere of the Virgos life will be the opposite of the other in terms of the energetic tone.

As was stated previously, in terms of the sphere of finances and entrepreneurship, fate will be on the side of the zodiac sign of Virgo. It is unlikely that you will feel that straight off the bat, but towards the dawn of the second ten-day period you will feel a powerful influx of energy that should determine your further strategy.

Concentrate on the things that are really important, but do not forget to pay attention to the details, since you will have enough energy to be literally everywhere and in everything. Certainly you will have to try and try hard, but the second summer month will be in support of you and circumstances will certainly work for you. You will notice that yourself starting from July 16 (New Moon).

After that date, your resources will be mobilized to the fullest degree, and you should be absolutely precise about what you want to reach towards the end of this current stage. If you have your own business, then it would be great to make the most important deals and to enable large-scale PR efforts during this time. Right now, the positive effect of such events will multiplied in trifold, so it would be stupid to miss such an opportunity. If you are a line employee or your occupation is not high, then do not try to display your mastery to your boss, instead just do your thing and you will be noticed, do not worry.

In terms of the sphere of personal relationships, July 2015 will end up being a very negative time. In reality everything will be much simpler for those who do not have a lover during the current time. If you are engaged or married, then be prepared to agree with your lover even when you know that she is wrong. Arguing would not be the best option, at least because your lover will be immune to logic due to the influence of Venus.

On the other side, her personal fault will also take place, so you should not blame the stellar negativity for it. You should be diplomatic and flexible, mostly succumbing to the incoming pressure, but do not forget to stand up to it at times. It will be complicated, especially if you consider that you should not count on the support of friends. By the way, in regards to your close ones, try to minimize your conversations with them during this month.