OCT 22 – NOV 21

In July 2015, Scorpio will not be unlike many other zodiac signs in facing a situation when the support of celestial patrons will be maxima. However, make no mistake since not everything will be as clear-cut in regards to this sign as it might seem from first glance.
On one side, the situation is very clear: Mars, the traditional planet-ruler of Scorpio will be enforced due to its general
interstellar position, which is why the representatives of this sign will have a trustful energetic basis, as well as a quality shield allowing them to decline most of the astral negativity. In addition, Saturn – the planet-exalt of Scorpios, will maintain his position and due to its status as a “celestial leader” of the Air trigon will be able to overcome Venus, responsible for the expulsion of Scorpios.
The work direction will truly be a very successful side of the Scorpio’s life in July 2015. The month will start from the Full Moon (July 1), so from the very beginning you will feel your strength multiplying. It may be that you will be surprised, but right now just some five hours will be enough for you to replenish your strength.
While the Scorpios themselves are rarely sleeping in, right now your energetic stock will be required to go to a whole new level that will enable you to finish one of your most important projects in the best quality possible and much faster than expected. The time that you have now should best be used to evaluate the quality of production. That is
especially in regards to those who have their own business or occupy a leading position.
Concentrate on the technological aspect of the issue and do not attempt to grab onto new projects, unless you are fully confident in yourself. Line employees are recommended by the stars to turn down their work level for the time being and pay more attention on their relationship with their colleagues and management, perhaps you will change something in your favor by doing so.
This is a very unique situation that occurs very rarely and that i practically impossible to predict. However, this does not at all mean that you are destined for an avalanche of misfortunes, it is just that you will not have any allies among the bodies of the Solar System that could help you resolve important concerns. Concentrate and no matter what, do not rush – even if you are being rushed from all sides.
If you are feeling too much external pressure, take a step back, but do not solve a problem in uncomfortable conditions or luck will turn away from you. Every step should be considered carefully and evaluated. Let people be upset about how slow you are, this is exceptionally their problem. Do not let them throw you off balance, even if your lover is the source of the problem.