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MAY 22 – JUN 21


For the Gemini, such a situation will appear in the rise of general life wellbeing and an influx of creativity. At the same time, Mercury (the ruler of this sign) will focus his positive influence on the financial sphere and in this direction, the Gemini may hope for significant bonuses. The sphere of personal relationships will be under the influence of Venus, responsible for the fall of this sign.

It is hard to say how problematic this direction will end up being, since the energy of Jupiter (responsible for the expulsion of the sign of Gemini) will distract the attention of Saturn, so Venus will have full and unbounded rule over the love front. Nevertheless, the Gemini will have enough force to overcome anything that stands in their way.

In terms of the direction of work, July 2015 will be an exclusively productive time for the representatives of the Gemini sign. You can even allow yourself to relax and enjoy life. Your opponents will luckily be in a bad position (due to circumstances), so you may hope that any project of yours will receive the green light, especially if you work for yourself.

Those who are a line employee or occupy a relatively low post will have it a little more difficult than the rest, as their freedom of choice is compromised to some degree by the desires of management. You will have to try a bit in order to display your mastery. If you will find yourself to be successful, then you will be given an especially important large project, the result of realizing which could be a promotion. However, everything depends on you here. The stars are giving you a chance, a possibility, but you are the one that gets to decide what to do with it. So be careful and do not miss happiness, since happiness will be slow and with low reflexes right now so you’ll be able to catch it with ease.

The love front will not be as positive for the Gemini in July 2015 at least because you will not see any definite problems. However, instead you will be surrounded by a mass of all kinds of arguments and small issues, th. Do not doubt your own abilities, act decisively and fast.

Do not take what your lover says close to heart. Right now she is wrong and she will definitely understand that, just giver her time. Do not rush head first, otherwise you will just escalate the situe amount of which will grow geometrically.